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I’m Ji Choi
Web designer

I’m originally from Seoul, Korea and now living in the beautiful city of San Francisco, California. I value different ideas and thoughts other people have. I like puzzle games, solving problems and also Super Mario Brothers.


Lighthouse AI
Responsive web design / Marketing
3D Face Mixer
UX UI Design for iOS App
Production Agency
Responsive web design & develop
I believe User Experience design comes from ‘Experience’. Throughout my life I have had various experience, not only as a designer but also as a user and a worker. My experience has been helping me thinking in different ways, finding out solutions for problems to be able to increase the efficiency.


  • Understanding users’ need
  • Finding solutions for problems
  • Simplify user flow
  • Make users experience better

Design Tools

  • Adobe CC / Sketch
  • InVision
  • Prototyping
  • Other industry standard design tools

Web Development

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Frameworks
  • Understanding of JavaScript

say hi! to me

8 + 6 =

© JI CHOI 2021